Friday 22 April 2011

Biology 12: Circulation Review & Key

Reminder that the Circulation Unit test is Thurs Apr 28 (Block H) and Friday Apr 29 (Block C). The test will be approximately 35 question multiple choice and 10 points short answer.

Here is a Review package to test your knowledge.

Check yourself with the answer key! Key pages 1-3 and Key page 4-6.

Good luck!

Check out some old Biology 12 provincial exams

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Chem 11: Stoichiometry Examples

Sometimes you just need someone else to explain it.

Try Sal Khan of the Khan Academy, a huge collection of easily explained concepts using nothing more than a tablet computer and a soothing voice.

Still feeling stuck on mass-mole conversions? This video is a little drier, but it explains the concept very clearly.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Bio 12: Circulation Webquest

Attention all schoolidge Biology 12 students! Complete this Circulation Webquest assignment. It will be due April 13 (Block C)/April 14 (Block H). Copy and paste the worksheet into a word processing document or answer your questions on a separate sheet of paper.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Sci 10: Build your own roller coaster!

Check these links out! The study of motion is super important to building (and riding!) roller coasters. Test your engineering abilities (Note: No students will be harmed.)

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Welcome to schoolidge!

Welcome to your class blog! I will post your homework, notes and assignments, interesting videos and slideshows, and relevant current events. You can stay updated with your classes if you have missed a class or need extra review.